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A Talk With The Community (EBook)

A Talk With The Community (EBook)


“A Talk With the Community: Politics, Education, and Other Social Issues” is a collection of essays that takes a critical view on the topics of politics, education, and social issues. Voices on many sides of the sociopolitical sphere are arguing strongly for action and change. This books gives prescriptions on how to achieve it. 

  • Details

    “A Talk With the Community: Politics, Education, and Other Social Issues” is a collection of essays which were written primarily during the beginning of the authors professional career. She felt educators, politicians, and those that are passionate about the state of this great country needed to hear varying perspectives. This text is an outline of how a nation should examine itself, adjust the paradigm, and how a people can be reinvigorated.


    As a reader, she wants you to be enraptured by words that propel you to change and provoke your conscious enough to improve your community.

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