"Let's Get Angry Enough"
Let's get angry enough that the black man returns home to his children, marries their mother, and restores the family. Realize we are building a NATION. Let's get angry enough to protect the black woman, honor her, and LOVE her from the crown of her kinky curly hair to the sole of her feet. Let's get angry enough to purchase arms in mass numbers, receive permits to carry in mass numbers, and defend ourselves in mass numbers. (Then, watch a gun bill pass by a super majority in the House and Senate). Let's get angry enough to put down the drugs and alcohol and pick up a book. Because, we are going to need everyone to be fully able bodied and cognizant when the race war breaks out. Let's get angry enough to rear intelligent precocious children who will be wives and husbands. Realize we are building a NATION. Let's get angry enough to purchase a home in our twenties. Let's get angry enough to be owners and producers not simply consumers. Let's get angry enough to revolutionize. Let's get angry enough to love and lead each other out of dark days into the splendor of bright tomorrows. Let's get angry enough to unite the black, brown, red, yellow, and poor of this world! Let's get angry enough...